[ultimate_modal modal_title=”Terms of Use” modal_on=”text” modal_on_align=”left” read_text=”Terms of Use” modal_style=”overlay-slideup” overlay_bg_color=”#4989c9″ overlay_bg_opacity=”40″ content_bg_color=”#ffffff” header_bg_color=”#4989c9″ modal_border_style=”solid” modal_border_width=”1″ modal_border_color=”” modal_border_radius=”3″ header_text_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#ffffff” header_font_style=”font-weight:bold;”]Thank you for visiting our blog. Metabolic diets should only be administered under close medical supervision. For your child’s safety, please consult with your medical team prior to utilizing the information and recipes from our blog posts. Recipes need to be reviewed and adjusted based on your child’s unique prescription.[/ultimate_modal]