A Child Feels Better By Feeling Included

We posted a request recently on our Cambrooke Facebook page asking for stories from people about what, exactly, “feeling better” means to them. We got one post that stopped us in our tracks. We just had to share. "Ash N John Bricker" (Facebook name) posted the following in response: “It means my son will be able to go through a lunch line just like any other kid (Cambrooke's lunch program), he can have a large variety of low protein (low leucine), high calorie food...

Cambrooke Feel Balanced Feel Better

Feel Balanced And Feel Better With Cambrooke

People with Phenylketonuria (PKU) have never known a day without having PKU. They have never known a day where phenylalanine wasn’t feared, proteins weren’t counted, or where food preparation was a carefully considered endeavor. They grow up in a world that “lives to eat.” Where fast food is delicious and fun. Where tasty snacks of all kinds fill living rooms during the Sunday football games. Where the only real consideration in dining out at a restaurant is which chef has the...